Kathleen Crane with Turkamen children in Kirkuk, Iraq after the Gulf War.

Planned Giving

Why Medicine For Peace? By leaving a gift in your will to Medicine For Peace, you will help us to continue our work to save lives and relieve suffering in resource poor countries. Your gift will help us provide long- term support to women and children in the United States and around the world to achieve the gift of health and enhance their opportunities for a meaningful life. Your gift will allow Medicine For Peace to plan for the future so that the organization’s three decades of programming continues for generations to come. Arranging a legacy gift is not difficult and you can receive a tax credit that will ease the tax burden on your heirs. Medicine For Peace associates can help with will writing and leaving a gift in your will. If you have already thought of us in your will, please let us know. The staff of Medicine For Peace and the desperately ill patients we care for shall be forever grateful.
Mary Silverman, RN on ward in Baghdad hospital.


Thank you for your interest in MFP programs abroad and in the United States. This section addresses the most common queries we receive. If you have additional questions do not hesitate to call our Washington, DC office at 202–441-4545 or email us at medforpeace@aol.com. At present we are not sending volunteers to our programs in Haiti until the U.S. State Department deems it is safe for foreigners to travel to and work in Haiti.

Undergraduate students are not taken on medical missions abroad. They often help in fundraising events, office work, and as translators. We have selected projects for medical students.

Depending on the program and skills required, a volunteer will spend from one week to six months abroad. We have a one-week educational program for U.S. nurses in Haiti.

We recruit primarily medical personnel (physicians and nurses). At present we are interested in nurses to assist in our women’s health program in Haiti, and physicians, nurses, translators (Amharic, French, Spanish), and befrienders to help in the assessment and care of asylum seekers in our Clinic for Torture Victims. Some overseas experience is preferable but not necessary. We need non-medical volunteers to help with our social media presence, fund raising, public relations, and general administrative work. If you are interested but do not fit these categories give us a call. 

MFP pays for travel and housing. During extended trips, MFP will also cover cost of meals. Volunteers do not receive additional stipends. Everyone involved in MFP programs volunteers their time and efforts.

MFP does pay for medical or travel insurance from a third party while the volunteer is abroad.

If you feel that you would like to join MFP’s efforts to help women and children who are victims of war and poverty, asylum seekers, or assist in administration, please send a short note expressing your interest and past experiences, along with a resume to:


Medicine For Peace

2732 Unicorn Lane

Washington, D.C. 20015
