MFP’s New Technology Improves Cancer Patient Care
Cervical cancer is a worldwide problem causing @250,000 deaths each year,
predominantly in the developing world. Since 2010, MFP’s Women Heath Initiative has
addressed the high rates of cervical cancer in Haitian women with an aggressive,
hospital based and mobile clinic early detection and rapid treatment program.The recent introduction of a compact, mobile device (colposcope) capable of enhanced
visual assessment of the vagina and cervix (the ODT EVA system) has markedly
improved the diagnostic accuracy of detecting curable cancer. …..more
The portable, hand help colposcope possesses an ultra-bright light for better
visualization and magnification of the vagina and cervix, and can capture and store high
resolution images in a cellphone built into the instrument. Long lasting, chargeable
batteries in the device obviate the need for an electrical generator in communities
without electricity. The images are transferred to a secure site on the internet, and can
be integrated into the patients’ medical records and computer-based patient follow up
In addition to increased diagnostic accuracy, images taken in dispensaries in remote
villages in Haiti and transferred to the secure site can now be evaluated by colleagues
in Washington, DC or New York in concert with Haitian care givers, The EVA system
represents a major advance in quality control of cancer screening delivered in under
resourced countries.
The mobile colposcope and image storage system fits well with MFP’s attempt to
reduce our mobile clinic to a completely portable unit able to access the most remote
areas of Haiti, even in the rainy season. Supplies and personal will be transported to
clinical sites on two motorcycles.